
International Filter Photo Contest 2021
Kenko Tokina Co. Ltd. is pleased to announce the International Filter Photo Contest 2021 with the theme "Photographs with effective use of filters". Please find below the details about the contest. We are looking forward to seeing the full potential of filters in your works! The International Filter Photo Contest, which presents photos from around the globe showcasing the wide range of effects created by photographic filters, is being held for the 10th time since its beginning in 2009. We are waiting for your entry with your best shot showing the awesome effect of filters. The results of the competition will be announced in February 2022.

The Hard Choice - Featuring photographer Dibbs McCallum
Dibbs McCallum explains his preference for shooting with hard grad filters. Most people will have a good understanding of what a graduated filter (grad) is, but I have put together this article to explain it in a little more detail. I will also talk about my favorite type of grad, how to use it, and explore it's benefits, Particularly, I will look at why I prefer the hard grad over the soft This is a topic I often cover on the workshops I run.